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ESC 2015: Inflammation and coronary artery disease: 'Vulnerable plaque hypothesis is over'
ESC 2015: Inflammation&coronary artery disease: ‘The vulnerable plaque hypothesis is over’-Prof Crea
Inflammation and Ischaemic Heart Disease - Prof Robin Choudhury
Dr. Paul Ridker speaks on inflammation and heart disease
Sponsored Symposium |Comprehensive inflammation/plaque assessment Raising the bar for CAD management
Inflammation and Cardiovascular Disease (Part 1) - Arterial Plaque Test
The Pathogenesis of Plaque Rupture and ACS
ESC 2015: Sudden Cardiac Death
What is Vulnerable Plaque? | Dr Renu Virmani | Medtalks
EHJ Today - Inflammation in atherosclerosis
TCTAP 2015 Wrap-up Interview "How to Detect and Treat Vulnerable Plaques?"
Vulnerable Plaques in Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Diseases: Risk Marker or Intervention Target?